Hello! My name is Yash Patil and I am a teenager with a passion for technology, programming, hacking, and development. My interest in technology began at the age of 9, when I received my first Android phone. Since then, I have become a fan of Debian-based operating systems and Android. I started from the basics and have come a long way in my learning journey, but I know there is still much more to discover. Recently, I have gained proficiency in the programming languages C and Python, and have created several fun and educational projects which can be found on my GitHub profile.
Here are some of the projects I worked on:


Dragon Assistant

Dragon Assistant - CLI Assistant made with python

Typing Test

TypingTest- CLI Typing test app made with python

DerpFest Sakura

DerpFest OS For Redmi 6 Pro(Sakura)

Cosmic Userbot

Cosmic Userbot - Userbot for telegram

This website haha :p


New projects soon :) ...


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instagram @yash_patil2k5 github @FrosT2k5 telegram @FrosT2k5 email @email twitter @CosmicBeing2k5